Rabu, 27 Juni 2012
time enough for tears
Let's read the trees and their Autumn leaves,
As they fall like a dress undone
At the end of Summers, love will find lovers
Who need the shadows of a winter sun
Don't tell me you're leaving we can hide in the evening
It's getting darker than it should
If we read the leaves as they blow in the breeze
Would it stop us now, my love
Time enough for hard questions
Time enough for all our fears
Time is tougher than we both know yet,
Time enough for tears
The moon is milk and the sky where it's split
Is magic, and we all need to believe, that we can
Wake up in the dream, it's not as hard as it seems
You know its harder to leave
Time enough for being braver
Time enough for all the fears
Time is tougher than we both know yet
Time enough for tears
I heard you say underneath your breaths some
kind of prayers I heard
You say underneath your breath that you never
wanted, to feel this way about anybody else
Time enough for hard questions
Time enough for all our fears
Time is tougher than we both know yet
Time enough for tears
Time enough for being braver
Time enough I love this time of year,
Time is tough, its running away from us,
Time enough for tears
Time enough for tears
Time enough for tears
hello JUNE :)
hay june, I's so happy for you !
yaiyalah, eike lahir di bulan juni dan disini punya sejuta cerita :D
juni, diawali dengan ketidakteraturan , well, gue mengingkari lagi diary gadis yg sdh akan gue janjikan untuk terisi full akibat padat dan macetnya schedule di bulan juni. seriously, terlalu banyak jadwal dan tugas di bulan juni. soale mau ujian dan nananana -_-
well, pertengahan juni sangat menyenangkan, disaat banyak sekali ucapan doa dan selamat terlontar dari sejuta jempol melalui sms, sejuta mulut melalui ucapan, dan sejuta tubuh melalui pelukan, yes exactly, I'm in my 21st now. thankyou Allah for all the things , thankyou for your LOVE, always :D
punya cerita apa??? banyak bangeet yang pastinya banyak kue, banyak hadiah, banyak hal yang dilakukan until spending a little celebrate together with someone who have the same birthdate with me *al of you must know about it so much .
habis itu 2 minggu ujiaaan, dan ditutup dengan remediasi biostatistika yang sanga sanga gue syukurin bange, entah ada apa grangan, belajar cuma H- 4 jam tapi ngerjainnya juga sesukses dengan kehematan waktu yang gue punya, *ngehemat waktu biar bisa cepet nepatin janji jalan-jalan ceritanya, ealaaah msh hrus nunggu, yaa setidaknya kemauan ucup sudah gue tangani HAHAHA
now, 2 hari sebelum big event dari acara yang gue koordinirin berlangsung, rasa nyaman mulai semakin membanjiri tubuh, alhamdulillah nyaman banget bekerja sama anak2 semnas - munasku sayang. bisa diajak gila dan bekerja keras, thanks Allah, terimakasih buat segala doa yang dipanjatkan dan kemudian Allah mengabulkan. apapun yang terjadi, gaperlu takut, aku insyaAllah percaya hasilnya akan bagus kok, semangaaat ^^9
the last, please be ready niaak for 30 june, 2-3 july then 19 july . preparing for seminar proposal itu magernyaaaaa banget yaah, ya Rabb permudahkanlaaah, amin lancar dan sukses , lulus tepat waktu, then mewujudkan mimpi dan target selanjutnyaaa, what a beautiful life, alhamdulillahirabbilalamin ^^
#kalau usaha itu ga ada yang sia-sia, dan doa itu maha kaya. percaya aja sesuai firman Allah yang selalu aku pegang dan selalu aku yakini bahwa "Berdoalah kepada-Ku, niscaya Aku kabulkan.." (QS 56 : kl ga salah ) hehe
have a great day, selamat ber-KKN anyway buat kebanyakan mahasiswa UGM angkatan 2009, huaaa mupeng KKN di periode kalian :(
Jumat, 08 Juni 2012
hello there..
after taking a course about womans talk in nisud home, then we had a very special support from our lecture and me me so up for those my dreams will come true. the effect was so big that I have a special motivation to becoming strong. Thanks Allah for giving so much love until that.
while accompaning someone to take his lunch, there was a so many story that I wanna talkin about , and I really can't wait to see this time for a special disscussion, but the fact that there was just a few minutes there and some busy moment and stressor that make me can't enjoy that moment yet. This is really the fact that the condition can't cooperate to us. oh please, thet let it go..
I don't know why, after accepting a special support this morning, and I really want to make all theings happened, I just have a very little poor condition about myself. after jus closing my eyes just for about 3,5 hours last night, then I found some problem eading to me so much.
this real or not, and please I don't wanna leit be happened to me now. slowly, I wanna make it as easy as the theory but I'm just a weak girl with no of support now. oh man, please this problem come to me, but I know that is just a little one. but if you see the fact it can't be named like that.
I just wanna say all og this but I haven't to. it just make me feel so weak that I can't standy by myself anymore. but just a little that I got from this is you must heading it with just by yourself, no more waiting for someone cares, but just do by yourself. and you know that you really have to know that he have a different ways to open his eyes, so please stop to ask a lot of things that you want to but he can't realise.
thanks , cheers niaak :D
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